Never Lonely (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hey all!

It’s Five Minute Friday again. In short, each week I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker… She gives us a prompt and we write. On the spot. No over thinking or excessive editing.

So let’s get to cracking.

Today’s Prompt: LONELY



It might creep in during the darkest time of the night… Or perhaps early morning when no one is around… Or in a time of trial… Or we might even feel it in the midst of a crowded room.

Being lonely kinda sucks.

Yeah. I said it. It can suffocate us, cripple us, paralyze us. It can take over our heart, body and emotions. Super not fun.

And we’ve probably all been there to some degree.

Perhaps it’s when we are new in town and left behind all of our close friends. Or we are facing a deployment of our Beloved husband. Or our sweet posse of kiddos are headed back to school after a summer of fun. Or we trying to cope with the loss of a loved one.

Loneliness can come in many forms…  But this post isn’t to bring you down and remind us of what we don’t have in those times… This is to remind us of what we do have.

Friends, no matter WHAT you are facing, you aren’t alone. I know you have heard it before– but I’m reminding you because it’s true. God is right there with you… You might not feel Him, but I promise, He’s there and He will give you the love, strength, hope and encouragement you need to bid sayonara to that lonely heart. You can always rely on Him– He is always faithful, always present. He is our friend, companion, lover.

With God holding our right hand and whispering sweet words into our heart… What more company do we need?



Praying this post speaks to you today, darling reader… If you are feeling lonely, weary, uncertain, worn out, whatevs… I would love to pray with you. Gimme a shout out by leaving a comment or sending me a message on Facebook on Twitter or even via email (sharita{dot}knobloch{at}gmail{dot}com.)

Be blessed today!

Never Lonely with Him,

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” ~Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV

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3 thoughts on “Never Lonely (Five Minute Friday)

  1. I still think that the company of loving, genuine and caring people is vital and essential in life, BUT God is the most important thing. Even when we are lonely, he will always be there with us. I’m honestly amazed that I survived many lonely years before I became a Christian. But thank God he saw me through even then.

    • Oh, I totally agree with you 100%, Andrew! God absolutely designed us to live in community and do life with others… But I know I personally have felt “alone” sometimes, and I am so encouraged that He is there to see us through those moments. Also, I praise Him for the work He did in your life seeing you through those pre-Christian years– I have no doubt He was hard at work wooing your heart. Thanks a million for the comment. Blessings to you!

  2. Teresa Richardson

    When I lost my daughter Oct 2011, I spent many hours curled up in my Heavenly Father’s lap and feeling His arms around me.
    Right now I am feeling lonely in a job where there are no raises, no benefits, no vacation days, no work schedule- just requesting day(s) off and hoping I get them. I hear God telling me to wait; He has a change in store. It’s hard for me to patiently wait

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