Falling to Faith (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hi friends! Yep, it’s Friday. (Can I get a whoot-whoot?!?) And Friday can only mean one thing ’round these parts.

Today is the day we link up with Lisa-Jo and rock out Five Minute Friday.

For FMF, Lisa gives us a prompt. Then we write. Uninhibited. For five minutes.

It’s as easy as that.

So let’s see what is in store for us today…

Today’s Prompt: FALL



Fall. It’s not just a season… It’s a verb (you know, one of those words that shows action…)

It has positive or negative connotations. We can fall down the stairs. (And up the stairs. I’m so graceful, I’ve done both. In the same day.) We can fall in love. (Done that too.) We can fall short. (Yep, sounds familiar.) And we can fall to faith.

Falling to faith is a beautiful thing… I don’t mean it is exceptionally graceful or easy– but it sure is a wonderful feeling, even though it might take immense effort and get a little messy sometimes.

When we are in a tough spot… We can fall to faith.

When we are unsure of what to do next… We can fall to God knowing that He has got our back.

When the enemy of our soul is all up in our grill and wreaking havoc on our hearts– we can fall into Jesus’ arms for protection.

When we are overwhelmed… We can fall to His feet for rest.

When nothing seems to be going right… We can fall forward onto the One who is and was and is yet to come. He never changes.

When this world starts to suck us down… we can fall to the Father in faith.

Falling to Faith isn’t easy. But it sure is worth it.



This post is straight from my heart today, dear readers. (Well, all my posts are, but this one from the deep places in my heart.) I would so appreciate your prayers for our little army family. Things are changing quickly as we prep to move across the country… and as a Mama of a 3-month-old, I am trying not to become overwhelmed… but really, that’s easier said than done 🙂 Regardless… I will continue to fall to faith.

Thanks for stopping by and may God bless you!


PS: How can I pray for you today? Let me know via leaving a comment, sending me a message on Facebook or dropping me an email at sharita{dot}knobloch{at}gmail{dot}com.

“When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” ~Matthew 8:10 NIV

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2 thoughts on “Falling to Faith (Five Minute Friday)

  1. Betsy

    Love you, Sharita, and praying for you and your sweet family! Graceful. “Grace-full”. Yep – you nailed it! Hugs, Betsy

    • A million thanks, Betsy… And thanks for the prayers… Here we go, falling forward on our faith… 🙂 (Still praying for you too!)

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